您在工业生产中是否遇到以下问题? 在生产旺季时,仓储库房面积不够用? 生产车间面积不够用? 工业园区土地审批严格,而工业空间需求又很急切? 预算有限,砖瓦结构工业空间远远超出预算? 行政审批更省心,篷房无需繁杂的土地审批手续,随时搭建,随时拆卸。 经济预算更省心,篷房成本远比砖瓦结构造价低廉,且还可重复使用,环保节能。

If you encounter into the following problems during industrial production In the production season, storage area is not enough The workshop area is not enough Industrial park land examination and approval is in strict, while the demand for industrial space is urgent The budget is limited, the brick structure of industrial space far beyond the budget Without administrative examination and approval, tent flexibly construct and remove Tent cost is much less than the brick structure, and can be repeatedly used, environmental protection and energy saving

                                                                      地基处理更省心,篷房可适用于各种地面,土地,水泥地面,大理石地面均可使用 安全性能更放心,篷房结构合理,风荷载8级,雪荷载20cm-30cm的浮雪。 防火性能更放心,篷房主体是铝合金结构,篷布采用 PC刀刮涂层布。材料阻燃级别为B1级 安装拆卸更放心,篷房可在3天之内搭建起3000平方的篷 面积。搭建/拆卸更加方便快捷.

Tent is suitable for various kinds of ground, land, cement floor marble ground can be used Tent is reasonable in structure, wind load level 8 floating snow snow load 20cm-30cm Tent is the main body of the aluminum alloy structure, tarpaulin scraping coating cloth with PVC knife. Fire retardant is class B1 level Installation and removal for tent is much easier, 3000 square tent installed in 3 days. Build disassembly are more conveniently and quickly